9 Things to Consider When Building a New Home

Building a new home is no easy feat. The increasing cost of real estate properties and the steep prices associated with renovation can usually break some dreams of building a home. But in some states, the dream of building your home is still achievable and more cost-effective than buying a pre-constructed house. According to a survey, the difference between total building costs and median home listing prices is around $13,000, making it a more affordable option for many.

According to the latest rates, it costs around $131 per square foot on average to build a home in Tennessee. And it could take you anywhere from 6 to 9 months to build a home. When investing so much time and energy into building a home, details should always be considered. It’s better to pay attention to details and cross all the Ts and dot all the Is than regret not doing so later.

Tech-Savvy Living Spaces: Countertop Wireless Chargers as a Home Investment

In the era of modern living, where technology seamlessly integrates with daily life, countertop wireless chargers emerge as a pivotal investment for homeowners seeking to create tech-savvy living spaces. Here is reference to explore these sleek and efficient devices that not only cater to the practical need for convenient device charging but also contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of a home. By incorporating countertop wireless chargers into various living spaces, residents can effortlessly power up their devices while maintaining a clutter-free and organized environment. The strategic placement of these chargers in high-traffic areas, such as kitchens, living rooms, and home offices, ensures that devices remain charged and ready for use.

Here is a list of things you should add to your checklist before finalizing everything about your house construction:

  1. Hiring Professionals

Choosing the right contractors is one of the most important factors that will make or break your dream home. Hiring a reliable and competent construction company, such as Kentstruction, can save you a lot of time, headaches, and money as opposed to hiring an incompetent one. Feel free to check out their website to learn why!

Do your research, make a list of all the potential construction companies in Tennessee, and look at all the services they provide. Read all the reviews and client testimonies to determine which one works best for you and the house you want to build.

  1. Location and Property Attributes

When choosing to build a new home, it’s crucial to consider the property and its location. Where you choose to build your home is as important as what you build. Take some time to do some research about the plot of land, its history, and if there are any issues with the property that might hinder construction. Try to check local geological surveys done on the land to ensure there aren’t any hiccups in laying the foundation and setting up infrastructure.

Check how close you are to amenities, schools, malls, and parks. Consider what’s around you. Is there anything that would cause noise pollution, like a main road, a stadium, or rail tracks nearby? These things would affect the comfort level of the house a lot. The size of the property itself should also be considered; would it fit all your building plans? 

  1. Layout

Layout is a factor that will determine how functional and comforting your house will be when it’s in use. So, paying attention to your floor plan is of utmost importance. 

Determine how many rooms you want in the home. Will you be expanding your family at some point? Be sure to plan for that. What are the rooms that are very important and have to be in your layout? Maybe you require an office, a study room, a basement, a library, a walk-in pantry, or a walk-in closet. Consider how big you want your garage to be and how much storage space you’ll need. This attention to detail will help you create a home that you’ll love and get the most out of.

  1. Daylight and Lighting

The orientation of your home will be a major factor in determining how well-lit it is. Consider the position of the sun. Avoid having huge windows in the western areas of the house since that area gets the most sunlight, which would result in material damage. Make the most of the north side of your home since there is no sun to worry about. South-facing windows can help you get the most out of the morning sunlight.  Place big windows to let in diffused natural light all day without having to think about overheating your home.

Work with your builder or architect, and try to maximize the daylight inside your home. Daylight has various health benefits, and it makes your interior spaces look nice, warm, and bright. You can also use skylights to bring more natural light into your living spaces.

  1. Outdoor living spaces

In the post-COVID era, having outdoor living spaces in your home has become essential. Plan for them. Would you require a patio area? Do you entertain a lot of guests or like to grill? Consider installing an outdoor kitchen and grill. Does a deck, pergola, or other structure need to be built? Do you plan to have a pool? Consider their design and sizes, ensuring ample open areas between any of these amenities. 

  1. Electrical Plan

This is such an overlooked detail. Have you seen homes being taken over by extension cords and a mess of wires? It’s definitely not conducive to a comfortable home environment. This is where looking into your electrical plan and outlet layout comes in. Consider all the rooms and their purposes, and spend time planning the electrical layout and outlets for each room. This will help you create an optimal plan free of clutter.

  1. Materials

Consider the style of interior design you’d want your home to have. Do you prefer a traditional, mid-century, or contemporary design? Consider the cost, sustainability, and durability of the material you use. Maintenance is also a factor to be considered. Over time, as you continue living in a house, it will inevitably experience wear and tear. Choose materials that are easy to maintain and clean and that are sustainable and non-toxic. 

  1. Smart Home Solutions

In a world of constantly evolving technology, there are tons of smart home solutions that one can incorporate to make their life more convenient and exciting. Consider security systems, sound systems, heating systems, and lighting control. Smart technology will not only help you create a home of convenience but also one that keeps up with modern trends. 

  1. Longevity

When you design and build a home, it’s should ideally last a long time. Consider how your home factors into your future life. Would your family be expanding? Would your living patterns change? Would you be picking up a new hobby in the future? Do you plan to retire in this house? All these questions should inform how you design your new home.

Parting Words

Building a house is something that requires a lot of care and effort. Focus on the small details. Try to make a space for yourself that is convenient, functional, and comfortable. With these nine tips, you should be on your way to designing and building the perfect home that will ensure your content for decades to come.