Entangle 5e Spell Guide: Full User Guide & Examples

In the realm of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, spells provide a diverse array of magical abilities to adventurers. Among these spells, “Entangle” stands out as a powerful and versatile option that can turn the tide of a battle or aid in exploration. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of the Entangle spell, providing a user guide, examples of its application, and addressing frequently asked questions to help you master this captivating spell.

Entangle 5e [DnD Spell Guide, Uses, Rules] - DnD Lounge

Understanding the Entangle Spell

Entangle is a 1st-level spell with a range of 90 feet and a casting time of 1 action. It’s typically accessible to druids, but it can also be found on some ranger spell lists. When you cast Entangle, you create a magical effect in a 20-foot square area, centered on a point within range. This area becomes difficult terrain, making it challenging for creatures to move through. However, the true power of Entangle lies in its ability to restrain creatures within the affected area.

must read= Entangle 5e Spell Guide

Upon casting the spell, plants in the area come to life, grasping at any creature that starts its turn within the spell’s radius. To avoid being restrained, a creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. If they fail, they become restrained, which significantly limits their mobility and actions during their turn.

Utilizing Entangle in Combat

Entangle is primarily a crowd-control spell with a significant potential for battlefield manipulation. Here’s how you can make the most of it in combat scenarios:

  1. Area Denial: Cast Entangle to create zones on the battlefield that your enemies must either navigate carefully or avoid. This can be particularly useful for controlling chokepoints or protecting ranged spellcasters.
  2. Restraining Foes: Entangle’s restraining effect is a game-changer. Restrained creatures have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, attack rolls, and their speed becomes zero. This makes them easy targets and hinders their ability to escape.
  3. Combination with AoE Spells: Coordinate with your allies to capitalize on Entangle’s effects. Area-of-effect spells like Fireball or Thunderwave become even more potent when enemies are restrained, as they cannot dodge or move away.
  4. Escaping Dangerous Situations: If your party is overwhelmed by enemies or you need to escape, cast Entangle strategically to slow down pursuers, creating a window of opportunity for your group to retreat.
  5. Heighten Control with Concentration: Entangle requires concentration to maintain. To maximize its effectiveness, make sure your character’s concentration is high, ensuring that the spell remains active during crucial moments.

Examples of Entangle in Action

1ST LEVEL SPELL #32: Entangle (5E) - YouTube

To better illustrate the practical applications of the Entangle spell, let’s explore a few scenarios:

Scenario 1: Ambush in the Forest Imagine your party is ambushed by a group of bandits while traveling through a dense forest. You, as the druid, cast Entangle to cover the area where the bandits are hiding. They must make Strength saving throws to avoid being restrained, giving your party a crucial advantage. Your allies can then pick off the immobilized bandits one by one.

Scenario 2: Protecting the Healer In a battle against a powerful enemy, your group’s cleric is providing essential healing support from the backlines. However, an enemy rogue is attempting to sneak past and eliminate the cleric. You cast Entangle in the path of the rogue, making it nearly impossible for them to reach the cleric without being restrained. This ensures the cleric can continue healing your party.

Scenario 3: Creating an Escape Route Your party is overwhelmed by a swarm of undead, and the situation is dire. You cast Entangle behind your group to slow down the relentless horde. This gives your party the necessary time to retreat to a defensible position, making the difference between life and death.

FAQ: Common Questions about the Entangle Spell

Q1: Can Entangle affect flying creatures? A1: Entangle only affects creatures on the ground, as it relies on plants growing from the earth. Flying creatures are unaffected by the difficult terrain and restraining effects of the spell.

Q2: Can Entangle affect allies? A2: Yes, Entangle affects all creatures, including allies, within its area of effect. It is crucial to consider your party’s positioning to avoid hindering your companions unintentionally.

Q3: Can the restrained condition be removed? A3: The restrained condition can be removed by a creature using its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC or by an ally providing a means to escape, such as cutting the restraining plants.

Q4: Can you concentrate on other spells while maintaining Entangle? A4: No, you can only concentrate on one spell at a time. While maintaining Entangle, you cannot cast or concentrate on other spells unless you lose concentration on Entangle.

Q5: Does the Entangle spell cause any damage? A5: Entangle does not deal direct damage. It is a control spell, focused on restricting the movement and actions of creatures within its area of effect.


Best Ways To Use The 1st Level Spell Entangle In Dungeons and Dragons 5E -  YouTube

The Entangle spell is a potent tool in the arsenal of druids and rangers, offering crowd control and battlefield manipulation capabilities. By understanding its mechanics and applications, you can wield its power to influence encounters, protect allies, and escape dire situations. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the world of D&D, mastering the Entangle spell will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay and contribute to unforgettable adventures in the realms of imagination.