It is Not Wisdom but Authority That Makes a Law – T. Tymoff


The statement, “It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law,” attributed to T. Tymoff, raises profound questions about the nature of laws, the role of wisdom, and the power structures that govern societies. This assertion hints at the distinction between the idealistic notion of law as a product of collective wisdom and the pragmatic reality that often, laws are enforced based on authority rather than their intrinsic wisdom. In this 1000-word article, we will delve into the essence of this statement, exploring its historical context, implications, and the delicate balance between wisdom and authority in the legal realm.

It Is Not Wisdom But Authority That Makes A Law. T - Tymoff

The Nature of Law

Before delving into the relationship between wisdom and authority in lawmaking, it is essential to grasp the nature of laws themselves. Laws are the foundational pillars of any organized society. They provide a framework for governance, define rights and responsibilities, and serve as a mechanism for resolving conflicts and ensuring order. The creation and enforcement of laws are crucial for maintaining a stable and just society.

must read=It is Not Wisdom but Authority That Makes a Law

Wisdom and the Idealistic View of Law

In an idealistic sense, the creation of laws is seen as a manifestation of collective wisdom. Wisdom, in this context, implies a deep understanding of human nature, ethics, and justice. The idea is that laws should be crafted based on the collective wisdom of the people and their representatives. Such laws are expected to reflect the values and moral principles of the society, ensuring a just and equitable framework.

Many legal philosophers, from Aristotle to John Stuart Mill, have argued for the importance of wisdom in lawmaking. Aristotle, for instance, believed that law should be guided by the concept of “phronesis” or practical wisdom, ensuring that it serves the common good. In this perspective, the primary goal of laws is to create a just and harmonious society.

It is Not Wisdom But Authority That Makes a Law. T - Tymoff

Authority and the Realities of Law

However, the reality of lawmaking often diverges from this idealistic view. Authority, which can be vested in governments, legislative bodies, or ruling elites, frequently plays a pivotal role in the creation and enforcement of laws. In many instances, laws are made not necessarily because of their inherent wisdom but because those in positions of authority have the power to enact and enforce them.

Historically, many laws have been crafted to serve the interests of the ruling class, suppress dissent, or maintain social hierarchies. In such cases, the authority has been used to perpetuate injustice and inequality rather than to uphold the wisdom of a just society. This reflects the notion that laws can be wielded as tools of control, and the authority to create and enforce them can be used for self-serving purposes.

It Is Not Wisdom But Authority That Makes A Law. t - Tymoff - Techunz

Implications of the Statement

The statement, “It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law,” has several important implications:

  1. Power Dynamics: It highlights the power dynamics at play in lawmaking. Those with authority have the ability to shape and enforce laws, even if they do not necessarily reflect the collective wisdom of the society.
  2. Potential for Injustice: This statement underscores the potential for laws to be used as instruments of injustice when authority is misused. Laws that are not rooted in wisdom can lead to discrimination, oppression, and inequality.
  3. The Need for Accountability: To ensure that laws are based on wisdom rather than mere authority, mechanisms of accountability and transparency are crucial. A just society must hold its lawmakers accountable for their actions.
  4. The Role of Public Opinion: Public opinion and activism can be powerful tools in challenging the authority-driven creation of unjust laws. When citizens voice their concerns and demand change, it can lead to more wise and equitable laws.
  5. The Search for Balance: Striking a balance between authority and wisdom in lawmaking is a complex challenge. It requires constant vigilance and ongoing efforts to ensure that laws reflect the collective values and aspirations of society.


The statement, “It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law,” serves as a thought-provoking reflection on the dynamics of lawmaking and its consequences. While the idealistic view of law sees it as a product of collective wisdom, the reality often involves the exercise of authority. This duality reminds us of the need for vigilance in safeguarding the principles of justice and fairness in the legal realm.

In an ideal society, laws would indeed be crafted based on the collective wisdom of the people, guided by the principles of justice and equity. However, in the real world, authority frequently plays a significant role in shaping and enforcing laws. Recognizing this dynamic is the first step in working towards a legal system that reflects both wisdom and authority, in the service of a just and equitable society.