What To Do Is You Have Been Fired for the Wrong Reasons?


Getting terminated from your duties or job altogether can be stressful and depressing. You not only lose your income but also feel like losing your self-respect. In many cases, employees experience mental illness for many years after being terminated from the job. Hiring a good employment lawyer such as Matthew J. Tharney can help you get rid of the problems you might be facing in your professional life. When you come to know about your termination, you might not be in a situation to understand the reason whether it was right or wrong. 

Some wrong reasons for termination

You can always file a lawsuit against your employer if you have been fired based on some wrong decisions. Some of them have been discussed below:

Violating employment policies 

If the company has not followed the policies laid down for employees, you are eligible to file a lawsuit. In case of poor performance, the company needs to warn the employee a few times and after that, it can fire him or her. If this is not practiced while firing him, it is suggested to meet a good lawyer.

Breaking the terms of the contract 

In many companies, contractual jobs are offered in which employees are hired for a stipulated period of time. If you have signed this type of contract and your employer has broken it, you can file a lawsuit.  Unless the company presents a good reason, you can continue performing your job.

Discrimination in your company 

If you have faced discrimination and you have reported to the higher authority, you might get fired. Not many companies want their employees to raise their voices, which is unlawful. If this happens to you, it is highly recommended to get in touch with a good lawyer because such incidents should be reported immediately. You qualify to file a lawsuit for compensation and your job.

Fired you if you asked for a raise

Getting a hike is a basic right of any employee. If you have asked for a raise and your employer has decided to terminate you for any baseless reason, you can file a lawsuit with the help of a lawyer. He must have a good reason to let you go. A good employment lawyer can assist you in getting your jab back.

To find a good lawyer, you can get in touch with your friends or colleagues. They can give you the contact details of a few good ones.